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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

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CAFOD Catholic Social Teachings




We welcomed Angela from CAFOD to explain to the children about our Catholic social teachings and our responsibilities as stewards of God’s earth. 


Angela helped us to launch our joint fundraising with our Parish again; this year we have chosen CAFOD as our charity to support during the season of Lent.  Fr. Martin will be supporting CAFOD through the donation envelopes at mass during Lent.


Lent Collection Boxes


He will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which gives its fruit at the right time, whose leaves will ever be green. 

Psalms 1:3


During our St. Patrick’s day assembly on Monday 18th March, we will be launching our annual fundraising for the season of Lent. 

We will be supporting CAFOD and their work, reminding us of our Catholic social teachings and our responsibilities as stewards of God’s earth. 

We would love the children to make their own Lent collection box at home to add coins to during Lent.  The theme we have chosen for this year is ‘green’. 

The children may use any materials to make their boxes, but it must include a slot for their coins to go in, and we will need to open or cut the box somewhere to empty their donations before we put them on display in our hall. 

The children will be told it can just be something very simple that they make, e.g. they could colour in a cardboard tube from a kitchen roll and stick on eyes. 

We will then ask the children to bring their Lent boxes into school after our Easter holidays on Thursday 18th April to display in the hall for our assembly that week.  If they are ready, children may bring them in at any time before that date.  The children will be able to enjoy looking at them as a real celebration and it will help them to talk about Lent and Easter. 

Some inspiration is below:





                                                                                      Thank you for your support.


He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters; he refreshes my soul.

Psalms 23: 2-3






In our Parish, we have an active St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) charity group, and in our school, we have our SVP ‘Mini-Vinnies’ group. 


The Mini-Vinnies have a mission: To see who needs our help, to think about how we can help and to go into action to help others.




















The SVP and Mini-Vinnies are named after St. Vincent de Paul, who was a French Catholic priest.  He told everyone to ‘go to the poor and there you will find God’.  He focused on those who could have been easily forgotten and was particularly caring to those who were poor, showing God’s love through his actions. 


We are following in the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and thinking about how we can put our faith into action to help others and to share God's love.  







The Oscar Romero Award.


In accordance with the teaching of Saint Oscar Romero, we take part in The Oscar Romero Award which recognises our commitment to supporting Catholic social justice. 

Laudato Si
