Here at St Mary’s, we use the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work. Each week, your child will participate in a Computing Lesson, which will develop their technical skills in the Computing Age that we live in.
Please find below, the Computing Long Term Plan, which will show you the development of skills across Year Groups, as well as throughout the school year and each Computing Module’s Knowledge Organiser.
We have also included a document from Purple Mash, titled, Parenting in a Digital World. This document aims to give parents some hints and tips about how to make using Computers and Technology safe and fun at home.
Every child in both Key Stage 1 & 2, have their own Purple Mash log in, as this is a web tool, you can access it from home with them and they can show you some of the work they are doing in school.

Safer Internet Day 2022
This year, the country will be celebrating 'Safer Internet Day' on the 8th February 2022 - the theme for this year is 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'. On that day, we at St Mary's, will be taking part through assemblies and relevant activities aimed at your child's age group.
However, the organisers have also kindly created resources for parents to help them educate themselves about the theme and activities you can do at home with your children. You can find these in the relevant section below if you wish to have a look through them and use them with your children.