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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

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Working together to keep children safe

The safeguarding of children is everyone’s business and schools have a responsibility to ensure that they promote the safety and welfare of children.

St. Mary's Catholic Primary School takes student welfare and safety very seriously, and takes action to reduce all kinds of harm including: abuse, bullying, discrimination and avoidable injuries. We also promote a culture where children and adults feel confident to share their concerns about their own or others’ safety and wellbeing.

All staff receive regular safeguarding training, and we continue to ensure that our staff, governors, parents/carers and students work together to keep children safe. We take account of the information contained in the DfE documents 'Working Together to Safeguard Children' and 'Keep Children Safe in Education: Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges' as the safety and protection of children is of paramount importance to everyone in this school and we work hard to create a culture of vigilance.


If you have a concern

If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of any child, please speak immediately to the Headteacher or a member of our safeguarding team. Any discussions will be treated in confidence.

Concerns can also be reported directly to the Havering Child Protection Team

01708 433222 (9am-5pm) 01708 433999 (out of hours/weekends) or Child line 0800 1111

If you have concerns regarding an adult in the school, you should speak immediately to a member of the designated safeguarding team.

Should you need to report a concern directly, the school has a dedicated Local Authority Designated Officer: Lisa Kennedy


LADO Telephone: 01708 431653

Local Police: 101

Our safeguarding team


Miss M Linehan, Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mr G Tucker, Headteacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Robinson, Early Years Phase Leader - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S Hodgson, SENDCO - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


