School council
The School Council
The School Council was set up so that every child could have a say in how our school is run. Children should have a say in decisions which affect them. It gives the children a voice. Each class votes for their School Councillor. The School Council then meet regularly to discuss issues raised by their peers and let their class know what was discussed at the meetings. After a term, the School Council sent out a questionnaire to see what the children thought they were doing well and how they could improve. They then used this feedback to improve the School Council. The School Council has been involved in many events and initiatives.
Around the school
With the help of a group of parents/grandparents, they cleared up the allotment area and built beds for each year group. They asked for the pond to be cleaned and Mr Hughes did a great job making it look wonderful again. If things are broken or not working, the School Council bring this to the relevant person’s attention. They make suggestions on how to improve the school for everyone.
Raising money for charity
The School Council also raise money for different charities. A ‘Decorate a Star’ event was very successful in raising money for St Francis Hospice.
A ‘Give Me Five…’ initiative ran where children brought in any unwanted 5p to fill up a jar in their classroom. The charity, Young Minds, was very grateful for the amount of money raised. A representative from the charity was presented with a cheque in a whole school assembly. A ‘Wear something yellow’ day was also arranged; however, this did not go ahead due to lockdown.
The Mayor
As part of the School Council, the children get to visit the Mayor in his office at Romford Town Hall. It is a wonderful opportunity for the children to meet the Mayor and hear about the work he does. They also see where the Councillors sit when they are discussing policies and voting. One year, the School Council arranged for the Mayor to visit St Mary’s School. He spoke to everyone in a whole school assembly and brought in his ceremonial robes to show the children.
Going forward
In future, we are hoping to have the option to hold virtual School Council meetings. This would allow for all children to participate. We are also looking into being able to meet with other School Councils to give the children the chance to exchange ideas and see how other School Councils are run.