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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic

Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 


The Governing Body perform an essential role in the strategic leadership of the school. Along with the Headteacher, they hold the school to account, ensuring they are fulfilling their statutory duties such as, curriculum; financial; safeguarding; health & safety and many more.


The school is governed by governors appointed by the Diocese of Brentwood who are trustees of the school; a governor appointed by the London Borough of Havering; parent governors elected by the parents of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School; staff governors elected by the staff of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School and the Headteacher.


The governors elect their own chairman and vice chairman and meet regularly (at least once per term). We thank the governors for their continued support and advice in promoting the development of the school.

The Governing Body at St Mary's Catholic Primary School perform their statutory duties in accordance with Governance Guidelines nationally.  At St Mary's we operate a committee system to share the workload across all Governors.  The standard committees are as follows:


Curriculum & Pupil Achievement Committee;

Resource Committee;

Admissions Committee;

Pay Review Committee.


In addition to these committees, the Full Governing Body meet termly. Governor attendance at all meetings is recorded.



Tim Nagle - Foundation Governor, Chair

Resource Committee


Vacancy - Foundation Governor, Vice Chair

Resource, Curriculum & Pupil Achievement Committees, Admissions


Joanne Challis– Foundation Governor

Pay, Resource, Curriculum & Pupil Achievement Committees, Admissions


Sheila O’Sullivan –  Foundation Governor.

Curriculum & Pupil Achievement Committees, Admissions


David Hartop  - Foundation Governor


Kevin Wilson - Foundation Governor


Leah Hamlin - Staff Governor


Vacancy - Parent Governor


Indre Paulauskas - Local Authority Governor


Councillor John Wood - Foundation Governor


Tolu Lawal - Parent Governor
